Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Good Nurse is Worth....

A good nurse is worth so much. He or she can be an encourager, supporter,or sympathizer. They can prepare you for tests, listen to you complain, laugh at your tired old stories and share stories with you.

My stay at Holland Hospital has been as good as a stay in a Hospital can be. And I think it's been because the nurses have been great. Yesterday they pulled my infected line, left me alone as much as possible so I could sleep and over all helped me navigate a hospital that I don't know too well from a patient point of view.

I'm hoping to go home tomorrow with oral antibiotics. We will see though if they will let me.

Thanks for your support.


  1. Giving thanks for good nurses! Praying that you are reading this from home or if not that you will be soon!
    Lifting al of you up daily,
    The Willemsteins

  2. Hey VZ, I was traveling a lot and hadn't caught up for about a month. Sorry about the setbacks--I hope you're at home now. Your positive attitude puts me to shame! Lots of love.
