Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chicago Appointment

I've been a bit delinquent in updating the blog since I saw my Chicago physicians on Wednesday.....sorry.

Wednesday was fun. Imagine looking like a tired, worn shirt. Then after three months coming out of a cleaners being crisply ironed with starch. In a small way, that's kind of what Wednesday was like. When I last saw my Chicago docs, I was weak, frustrated and exhausted. Last week when I saw them, I had a bit of energy and some optimism. They were happy to see that and complimented me on how good I looked. It was nice to hear.

On Thrusday, I started to work again. I went into the office and saw my colleagues. It felt really good. I'm committed to going back to work in a way that builds my strength over time. I recognize that my health needs to be protected. I have no room for error or I'm going to be back in the same spot I was in August looking at the need for a transplant. While it's not as scary as it was before, it doesn't mean that it's something to desire.

Many of you are wondering when I am going to post the promised faith post. No worries, I'm working on it. Give me some time :)

Enjoy your week.

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